Resources at Harvard
There are a large number of resources at your disposal across the university. These span from the department to Tozzer Library - through the Bureau of Study Counsel and Harvard College Writing Center.
Susan Gilman, Research Librarian for Tozzer Library holds regular workshops for students on best library research and citation practices, including the online research guide specifically developed for students in Junior and Senior Tutorials. She is also available to meet individually to discuss course assignments and research projects.
Anthropology Departmental Writing Fellow
The DWF is available to assist concentrators and students enrolled in Anthropology courses who would like help with their academic writing, including coursework (response papers, essays, research papers) and grant/internship proposals. The DWF also holds periodic writing workshops and works closely with students in the Junior and Senior Tutorials on the conventions of anthropological writing in the formulation of their research projects. For academic year 2020-2021, the DWF is Kate Rose.
Harvard College provides individual consultations for any writing assignment through the Harvard College Writing Center. It also offers individual and group peer tutoring for any course through the Academic Resource Center (ARC). Learn more or make an appointment by visiting the Writing Center and ARC websites.
ARC services are designed to support you in your efforts to learn and grow. Services include academic counseling, workshops and discussions, peer tutoring, and academic self-help materials from Learn at Harvard.
AEO provides services to students with documented physical, psychological, and learning disabilities and other health issues that may require learning, sight, hearing, manual, speech, or mobility accommodations to ensure reasonable access to education, housing, and extracurricular activities.
The Writing Center offers one-on-one consultations to Harvard undergraduates working on any writing assignment for any course. Writing tutors can provide help with argument, structure, and clarity at any stage of your writing process. They can also provide general help with strategies for drafting and revising academic papers. See here for more info.
Several undergraduate houses have resident or non-resident writing tutors who hold regular drop-in hours to tutor students on their writing. Contact your house's Allston-Burr Resident Dean for further information.
"A Student's Guide to Reading and Writing in Social Anthropology" - download guide here
An online guide developed by the Harvard College Writing Program on using sources in your academic writing.