AnthroWrites would not have been possible without the support, funding, and guidance of many individuals, centers, and initiatives across campus.
AnthroWrites Team
Students: Hanna Amanuel ‘16, Sarah Martini ‘16, Maryssa Barron '17, Mireya Hernandez ‘17, Cengiz Cemaloglu '18, Amanda Flores '18, Brittany Ellis '19, Angela Ortiz '19, Eunice Mwabe '19
Bok Writing Fellows: Namita Dharia, Jared McCormick, and Zoe Eddy
ADUS: Ramyar Rossoukh
With the support of...
Dean Rakesh Khurana and the Harvard College Writing Program (Thomas Jehn, Jonah Johnson, and James Herron, among others) for the funding and support to see through the bold directions this project has aspired to reach.
The prior groundwork forged through the HarvardWrites and GovWrites initiatives, on which AnthroWrites hopes to build.
The Bok Center Learning Lab (Marlon Kuzmick & all) who provided access to amazing facilities for the video interviews. All of the videos across the site were made possible through access to the Learning Lab and their help in capturing these interviews.
Much of the text across the website is taken directly or inspired by A Student's Guide to Reading and Writing in Social Anthropology, originally written by Smita Lahiri, Lilith Mahmud, and James Herron.
George Awde graciously provided the bulk of the imagery for the website.
Margarite Blignaut for her sharp eye in editing and adding text in the final throes of the project.
The Harvard Anthropology Department faculty, students, and staff who were supportive as we strove to figure out what this pilot program could encompass and how we might integrate it into the curriculum within the Department and College.